NM Legislative Lottery and Opportunity Scholarships
The New Mexico Legislative Lottery Scholarship may pay tuition (up to an undergraduate
degree) for students who meet the eligibility criteria listed below. Student’s who
qualify for New Mexico Legislative Lottery Scholarship, also qualify for New Mexico
Opportunity Scholarship, which pays fees.
- Student must be a resident of New Mexico.
- Student must have graduated from a New Mexico public or accredited private high school, completed requirements as a home school student registered with the state, or received a high school equivalency credential (HSE) while living in New Mexico.
- Student must enroll full time at a New Mexico public college or university within 16 months of graduating high school and earn at least 12 credit hours and a 2.5 GPA. If student enlisted in the military immediately following high school, student will be eligible.
- Student must maintain a 2.5 GPA and complete 24 credit hours successfully each regular academic year at a qualifying NM community college or 30 credit hours at a four-year NM college. Students can make up between 3 and 9 credit hours during the summer semester.
- Students who completed an associate degree while enrolled in a high school dual credit program, must enroll in a four-year NM college to complete a bachelor's degree.
- Students with disabilities may qualify for reduced credit hour requirements and additional semesters of the scholarship.
- Students must remain consecutively enrolled each fall and spring semester to maintain eligibility for the scholarship.
- Students attending a community college are eligible for three (3) semesters of scholarship awards.
- The scholarship may be renewed at a four-year institution until the award recipient has received seven (7) semesters of scholarship awards or until the student graduates with a bachelor’s degree, whichever is sooner.
How to Apply:
There is no application for the Lottery Scholarship. The financial aid office will apply the scholarship directly to the student's account if eligible. Feel free to contact the office of financial aid to verify your eligibility.
How Much Does it Cover:
The Lottery Scholarship can be used to cover up to 100% of tuition.
What About My First Semester of College:
During a students qualifying semester, a Bridge or Opportunity scholarship will be used to pay your first semester tuition and fee charges.
For More Information:
Please contact the New Mexico Higher Education Department, Financial Aid Division
at 1-800-279-9777 or the Office of Financial Aid at 世界十大博彩公司网站 575-392-5172 or financialaid@xingtaiyichuang.com or CLICK HERE!
Students who do not qualify for the Legislative Lottery Scholarship may still qualify
for the New Mexico Opportunity Scholarship, which may cover tuition and fees (up to
an undergraduate degree) for students who meet the eligibility criteria listed below.
- Student must be a returning student learner or ineligible for the Lottery Scholarship.
- Student must be at least 18 years of age.
- Students must be meeting financial aid satisfactory academic progress eligibility.
- Student must be a NM resident (does not have to be a U.S. citizen).
- Student must be enrolled in a minimum of 6 credit hours in a degree or credit bearing certificate program at an eligible college or university in New Mexico.
- Enrolled in a minimum of six (6) credit hours, or eligible for a Lottery Scholarship if a new or continuing student. Students who meet eligibility requirements may receive the scholarship in summer if enrolled in 3 credit hours.
- Maintain 2.5 GPA starting the first semester receiving the scholarship.
- Amount can be equal to tuition and fees when combined with other State aid already awarded; but cannot exceed tuition and fees.
- Scholarship cannot be used to replace other forms of state or tuition/fee specific private aid.
- Student cannot have earned a bachelor's, master's, or doctoral degree.
- Eligibility does not extend beyond 90 attempted credit hours at a two-year institution if seeking an Associate's Degree or 160 attempted credit hours at a four-year institution if seeking a bachelor's degree. Students may receive the scholarship for more than one certificate program.
- Students enrolled in their graduating semester may enroll in less than six credits and maintain eligibility.
- Student with disabilities may qualify for less credit hours.
- Student’s not meeting eligibility requirements may appeal if they have exceptional mitigating circumstances that have affected their eligibility.
- Students are encouraged to submit the FAFSA www.studentaid.gov.
The scholarship is renewed on a per-semester basis subject to maintaining eligibility.
How to Apply:
Student shall contact their public post-secondary educational institution’s financial
aid advisor for eligibility verification (no application needed). The Office of Financial
Aid will review eligibility at the end of each semester to determine new and continued
eligibility for the next semester. Students are welcome to contact the Office of Financial
Aid at 575-392-5172 or financialaid@xingtaiyichuang.com with any questions regarding their eligibility.
For More Information:
Please contact the New Mexico Higher Education Department, Financial Aid Division
at 1-800-279-9777.